terms of use

Private policy


No Attorney-Client Relationship Is Intended To Be Created.

This Web site is maintained by and on behalf of Estes Law & Consulting (ELC), a law firm headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. These materials have been prepared by ELC for informational purposes only and are not meant to provide legal advice for anyone viewing this Web site. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Internet subscribers and online readers should not act upon this information without seeking professional legal counsel. This Web site is not intended to be a source for legal advice and thus the reader should not rely on any information provided in this Web site as such. Readers should not consider the information provided to be an invitation for an attorney-client relationship and should always seek the advice of competent counsel in the reader’s home jurisdiction. ELC further does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any other Web site that the user may access through the ELC Web site or which provides links to the ELC’s Web site. Unless you already are a client of ELC, please do not send any privileged or other confidential information to us by email. Instead, please call us.

Our Privacy Policy.

ELC does not collect any information electronically via this Web site that identifies users personally. If you send an email to us, we may use the information contained in that email as you intend and if you are not a client of our firm, as permitted by law.

Changes to These Terms.

ELC may modify and supplement these terms of use and privacy policy (collectively, the “Terms”) in the future. If we do so, we will do so by posting the new Terms on this Web site and by indicating the date of the revision. We will provide notice of any change in our Terms that is adverse to your interests by notifying all surfers on the top page of our Web site. Any changes in these Terms take effect on the date we post the revised Terms.

Mandatory And Sole Venue For Disputes; Applicable Law.

You agree that all disputes (whether based upon contract, tort, or a statute) arising from or relating to this Web site may be litigated only in either the Circuit Court for the City of Richmond, Virginia, or in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Richmond Division. You also agree that Virginia law, without regard to its conflicts of laws rules, shall govern all disputes arising from or related to this Web site.